Sunday, December 19, 2004

Listening Very Carefully Will Bring You Gifts All Year Long

We're accustomed to giving and receiving gifts during this time of year. Christians base this wonderful custom on the story of the three wise men, or kings, who each brought the baby Jesus a gift. But did you know that the Gospels never actually say that these men were kings - nor is there any reference to there being three of them? I'll explain more in a moment...

Regardless of how the custom is derived, gift giving is a beautiful, rewarding activity. Gift receiving is equally fun. Hence, I love this time of year because I get to super-charge my humor nature all month long!

Would you like to give yourself a fantastic gift that will pay dividends all year long?

In my Fun Factor prescription, I teach you to Listen Very Carefully - it's one of my Fun Commandments. Most people find listening difficult because it seems passive. Actually, although usually a quiet activity, active listening requires the activation of all our senses.

Practice listening fully to what you are hearing, seeing, reading, and sensing and you will not only discover a hidden world of information which will make you more successful, but also a universe of information which will entertain you and engage your sense of humor. And there is no better accelerator for sky-high health and success than employing humor in every aspect of your life!

For example, read headlines very carefully. These are actual headlines from our local newspaper. Read uncarefully, they are merely informative. Read very carefully, they inform and bring a smile to your face!

  • Indiana Park Fees May Rise - Or Fall

  • Town Overwhelmed by Pollution Hopes to Become National Park

  • Kentucky Couple Convicted of Fraud Fails to Appear at Prison

By the way, the notion that there were three kings comes from Matthew's reference to the three gifts they brought - gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Myrrh is a bitter, reddish-brown, gum resin. And you thought getting socks for Christmas was bad?

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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