Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Natural Medicine Of Humor Is Worth Much More Than "30 Pieces Of Silver"!

Thirty pieces of silver - that's what Judas was paid by the Jewish elders for his betrayal of Jesus, according to the New Testament. While the phrase "piece of silver" was commonly used to describe a variety of coins from Jesus' era, we can assume that Judas committed his betrayal for a pittance. The term "thirty pieces of silver" has become part of our lexicon now, symbolizing the price of betrayal.

How may times have we sold ourselves out for thirty pieces of silver? Betraying our true nature and values is such a common foible that I made Tell the Truth one of my Fun Commandments. Ignoring this Commandment exacts a high toll on our humor nature, but abiding by it pays big dividends.

As a physician I know I don't have sole custody of the truth; according to my wife, I'm lucky to get occasional visiting rights! But I do know this: we all know more truth about ourselves than we're letting on. It's hard to admit to ourselves that we are inconsistent, absurd, and sometimes dead wrong - let alone revealing that to another.

Our humor nature can calm such fears because it like us just the way we are. It loves our inconsistencies, thrives on our incongruities, and celebrates our foolishness. Our humor nature will not join us in our efforts to be false because it loves and respects us too much to sell us

Therefore, if you make the effort to be true to yourself you will strengthen your humor nature. And, in a delightful snowball effect, when your humor nature is strengthened you will find it that much easier to be true to yourself! Yep, when it comes to telling yourself the truth, each act reinforces the next!

It's about time you faced a fact - you are a very special person! What's not to trust? You are worth celebrating. Besides, as I realized some time ago, who's going to put up with you unless you set the example for them?

To begin being true to yourself and stop selling yourself out, complete the following three questions:

  1. The purpose of my life is:

  2. I have been placed in this situation in order to:

  3. My highest priorities today are:




Here's one more tip. As you answer those questions, don't linger over the negative, stressful feelings. Practice the "catch-and-release" technique taught in meditation; acknowledge the negative feelings only long enough to release them. That way you will not deny your negatives, but you will also not allow them to taint your true values and priorities.

By the way, just as you have regretted selling yourself out, Judas apparently deeply regretted betraying his friend. According to one tradition, Judas returned the money to the Jewish elders before hanging himself. The money was then used to buy a field where the poor could be buried.

Don't wait until your regret becomes that overwhelming! Start telling the truth today and use your strengthened humor nature to abide by it! I'll be interested in your results!

FYI - In response to some requests I have just written an article about my Fun Commandments. You can read it by visiting the article's page on my website.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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