How To Get To Cloud Nine
If you want to get to cloud nine, you'll first need to learn about one of my most important Fun Commandments - Welcoming Your Mistakes. Welcoming your mistakes is a vital skill because fearing mistakes is one of the main reasons you worry, procrastinate, and get too serious. And, of course, another reason to learn to welcome your mistakes is that you can count on continuing to make them for a long, long time.
At least I hope you do. I hope you make some whoppers! Let me explain why...
Every action you take invokes the risk of making a mistake. Everything involves risk and, in fact, refusing to risk is refusing to live. In fact, the only way to avoid risk is to become completely immobilized - and, ironically, that would be the biggest risk of all!
So is it any wonder that you learn to fear your mistakes? You don't like the pain and discomfort they cause. You don't like people to consider you incompetent or poorly prepared. Mainly, though, your pride is on the line because you don't like surrendering your delusions of perfectionism.
These reasons are why welcoming your mistakes can take practice, but it's also why learning to do it has such a huge payoff. You see, when you welcome your mistakes you are actually embracing parts of yourself you've fought against for years. You are, literally and quite accurately, boldly proclaiming that you are perfect - warts and all!
What will you find when you begin welcoming your mistakes?
Your mistakes are, paradoxically, your greatest assets! Because they are your best teachers. Let me explain:
- You don't usually like to change, even when you know change is needed.
- Pain is almost always the motivator that causes you to finally make a needed change.
- Your mistakes cause you pain.
- Thus, your mistakes open your mind and force you to consider the possibility of change.
Your ability to make mistakes is like having a full-time life coach living within you. You already know that the results of making a needed, positive change are wonderful; don't you often look back with gratitude on certain painful or uncomfortable circumstances that forced you to change? But now, you love the results!
Why wait to be grateful in retrospect? Get on cloud nine by welcoming your mistakes, right here and right now! Embrace them. Love and cherish your mistakes! Heck, when I want a chuckle, I even make mistakes on purpose.
By the way, clouds were named by an English pharmacist named Luke Howard, the father of modern meteorology. You're familiar with his names for clouds like cumulus, cirrus, nimbus, etc. In 1896, Howard published his first edition of the International Cloud Atlas, which actually divided clouds into ten basic types. The cushioniest, billowy, and plumpest cloud in the atlas was the cumulonimbus - which just happened to be cloud number nine. Hence the phrase to "be on cloud nine."
You're headed for cloud number nine right now because you're starting to welcome your mistakes. And next week I'll assist you further by revealing some foolproof strategies to help you welcome your mistakes even more.
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"
The Natural Medicine of Humor
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