Sunday, October 30, 2005

How To Avoid Offending Blind People

According to, the most popular Halloween costumes this year are fantasy figures, like mythical heroes and witches. And not the evil, green, wart-nosed witches of fairy tales either...fancy, nice, good witches.

It seems that, this Halloween, you are choosing to forget about the real-life horrors you're encountering like outrageous gas prices, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and Supreme Court nominations - and choosing to have fun. Good for you!

I also saw a list of politically incorrect costumes. You know how "far out" political correctness can get; along with the expected ethnic stereotypes, I noticed "pirate costumes with eye patches." Why? "They may offend blind people."

How would they know? I have a simple idea...let's just not tell them.

Happy Halloween!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
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Blogger yakson said...

Ninety four per cent of blind and partially sighted people watch television on a regular basis, according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People.


12:05 PM  

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